Philips vs Braun Electric Shavers

September 15, 2021

Philips vs Braun Electric Shavers: Who Comes Out on Top?

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to settle the score: Philips vs. Braun – which electric shaver is the ultimate champion for that perfectly smooth shave?

In this article, we'll provide an unbiased comparison of these two top brands of electric shavers. We'll leave no stone unturned in our quest to find the supreme shaver.

So strap in, grab a cup of coffee, and let's get started.

The Contenders

Let's meet the contenders first.


Philips is a Dutch technology giant with a long history of producing top-class electronics. Their grooming range is particularly renowned for their quality and performance.

Philips shavers come with advanced features like multiple rotary blades, flexible heads, and wet/dry shaving capabilities, providing a close, comfortable shave.


Braun, on the other hand, is a German electronics company that has made a name for itself in the grooming industry. They are known for their precision engineering and innovative features.

Braun shavers stand out for their patented Sonic Technology, which delivers extra power where it's most needed to provide a thorough, smooth shave.

The Comparison

Shaving performance

When it comes to shaving performance, both brands have their unique strengths.

Philips prides itself on providing a smooth and comfortable experience. The brand's rotary shavers are especially good for sensitive skin, thanks to their skin-friendly properties.

Braun, on the other hand, is a master of close shaves. Their razors are engineered to catch even the tiniest hair on your face to give you that baby-smooth feel.


One of the things that sets Philips apart from its competitors is its range of versatile shavers. Philips is one of the few brands that offer multi-use electric shavers designed to shave not just the face, but also the body, head, and beard.

Braun's shavers are not as versatile, but they make up for it with their precision trimming capabilities. If you're looking for a razor that will help you shape your beard or sideburns, Braun shavers are a great choice.

Battery life

One thing that can be a deal-breaker when buying an electric shaver is battery life.

In this regard, both brands are neck to neck. Philips shavers typically have a battery life of up to 1 hour, while Braun shavers can go for up to 50 minutes.


Of course, the final determining factor when choosing an electric shaver is the cost.

Philips shavers are usually more affordable than their Braun counterparts, making them the go-to choice for those seeking value for their money. However, Braun shavers offer more advanced features and are sturdier, making them worth the extra investment.


So, who wins the ultimate showdown between Philips and Braun electric shavers?

It's hard to say, as both brands have their unique strengths and areas of expertise. However, based on our comparison, we recommend Philips shavers for those seeking an affordable yet quality product, while Braun shavers are perfect for those looking for advanced features and precise grooming capabilities.

In the end, it all boils down to personal preference and specific needs. Choose the brand that works best for you, and you'll be sure to get the smooth, clean shave you deserve.


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